Meaning and origin of the name Bảo

Gender: Male Female

Bảo is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Bao

The name Bao has origins in various cultures, including Chinese, Vietnamese, and African. In Chinese and Vietnamese, Bao (宝) means "precious" or "treasure," symbolizing something of great value. It is often used in names to convey the idea of something precious or cherished.

In African cultures, Bao can be derived from different languages with various meanings. For example, in Swahili, "bao" can mean a traditional board game played in East Africa. In some African languages, Bao may represent concepts such as strength, courage, or beauty.

The name Bao carries a sense of significance and worth, embodying qualities of value and importance in multiple cultural contexts. Its diverse origins contribute to its richness and depth of meaning, making it a unique and meaningful choice for a name.
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