Usage, description and more for Carlo
Gender: Male
Also available in
Carlo is used in
United States
Countries where Carlo has name day
Carlo has a name day in
Austria and Carlo's next name day is September 10.
Carlo has a name day in
Germany and Carlo's next name day is December 15.
Carlo has a name day in
Italy and Carlo's next name day is November 4.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Carlo
The name Carlo is of Italian origin and is derived from the name Charles. It is a variant of the name Carl, which has Germanic roots. The name Carl means "man" or "free man," emphasizing qualities of strength and independence.
Popularity and Variants
Carlo is a popular name in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions. Variants of the name include Carlos in Spanish and Portuguese, Karl in German, and Charles in English. These variations highlight the widespread usage and adaptability of the name.
Famous Namesakes
Several notable figures bear the name Carlo, adding to its allure and significance. From historical figures to modern-day celebrities, the name has a rich legacy. Whether in the arts, politics, or sports, individuals named Carlo have made their mark on the world stage.
Personality Traits
Individuals named Carlo are often described as charismatic, confident, and determined. They possess natural leadership qualities and are known for their ability to inspire others. With a strong sense of purpose, those named Carlo strive for success and are not afraid to take on challenges.
Overall Impression
In conclusion, the name Carlo carries a sense of strength, individuality, and ambition. Whether you choose this name for its Italian charm or its timeless appeal, Carlo is a name that exudes character and distinction.