Meaning and origin of the name Celestin

Also available in French,

Celestin is used in

France Croatia

Countries where Celestin has name day

Celestin is present in the name day calendar in France and Celestin's name day is May 19.
Celestin is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Celestin's name day is July 27.


Célestin is a French name with Latin origin. It is derived from the Latin name Caelestinus, which means "heavenly" or "of the sky". The name has a celestial and ethereal connotation, symbolizing purity and divine connection.

In French culture, Célestin is a rare and sophisticated name that carries a sense of elegance and grace. It has historical significance as well, with several notable figures bearing the name throughout the centuries.

Those named Célestin are often described as imaginative, intuitive, and spiritually inclined. They possess a deep sense of empathy and compassion, making them natural caretakers and healers.

Overall, Célestin is a unique and meaningful name that reflects a connection to the heavens and a sense of higher purpose.
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