Meaning and origin of the name Chris

Gender: Male

Chris is used in

Algeria Denmark Canada United Kingdom Kenya United States Norway Netherlands

Countries where Chris has name day

Chris is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Chris's name day is Mars 15.


The name Chris is of Greek origin, derived from the name Christos, meaning "anointed" or "follower of Christ." It is a common name with biblical roots, associated with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In modern times, Chris is often used as a short form of names such as Christopher, Christian, or Christine. It is a versatile name that can be used for people of any gender, making it a popular choice among parents looking for a timeless and universally recognized name.

The name Chris carries connotations of faith, strength, and guidance, reflecting the virtues and values often associated with the Christian religion. It has a classic and enduring appeal that has stood the test of time, making it a beloved choice for individuals around the world.
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