Meaning and origin of the name Cloris

Gender: Female

Cloris is used in

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Origin and Meaning of the Name Cloris

Origin: The name Cloris has Greek origins. It is derived from the Greek word "khloros," which means "pale green" or "fresh blooming."

Meaning: The name Cloris is often associated with characteristics such as youthfulness, freshness, and vitality. It symbolizes new beginnings and growth, similar to the vibrant green color it is linked to.

In Greek mythology, Cloris was a nymph associated with flowers and the arrival of spring. She was also known as the wife of Zephyrus, the god of the west wind.

The name Cloris carries a sense of beauty and nature, evoking images of blossoming flowers and the renewal of life. It is a charming and timeless name that reflects a sense of optimism and joy.
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