Meaning and origin of the name Cléber
Gender: Male
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Origin and Meaning of the Name Cléber
The name
Cléber is of Latin origin and is derived from the name
Claudius. It carries the meaning of "lame" or "limping". The name can also be associated with characteristics such as perseverance and overcoming obstacles.
In Roman times, the name
Claudius was a common name among both patrician and plebeian families. Over time, variations of the name emerged in different regions, including the French version
Those named
Cléber are often described as determined and resilient individuals. They are known for their ability to face challenges with courage and strength. The name
Cléber carries a sense of perseverance and fortitude, making it a fitting choice for those who exude these qualities.
If you know someone named
Cléber, you can appreciate their tenacity and unwavering spirit in the face of difficulties. The name serves as a reminder of the power of resilience and the ability to overcome any obstacles that come their way.
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