Meaning and origin of the name Clémentine

Gender: Female
Also available in German, French,

Clémentine is used in

Switzerland Germany Australia Canada United Kingdom United States France

Countries where Clémentine has name day

Clémentine is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Clémentine's name day is October 21.


Clementine is a charming and elegant name of French origin. It is the feminine form of the name Clement, which is derived from the Latin word "clemens" meaning "merciful" or "gentle." The name carries the connotation of kindness and compassion.


The name Clementine symbolizes attributes such as forgiveness, empathy, and grace. It reflects a soft and nurturing personality, embodying qualities of understanding and benevolence.


While Clementine is not as common as some other names, its timeless charm has been appreciated by many parents seeking a classic and sophisticated name for their daughters.


Famous individuals with the name Clementine include Clementine Churchill, the wife of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, known for her intelligence, strength, and resilience during World War II.


In conclusion, Clementine is a beautiful name with a rich history and a meaningful essence. It carries a sense of grace and compassion, making it a lovely choice for parents looking for a name that exudes elegance and warmth.
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