Meaning and origin of the name Connla

Gender: Male

Connla is used in



Origin: Irish
Meaning: Pure, of strong will

Connla is a traditional Irish name with a rich history and deep cultural significance. The name is derived from the Gaelic word "cón" which means pure, and "la" which means strong or mighty. Therefore, Connla can be interpreted as "pure of strong will" or "mighty and pure." In Irish mythology, Connla was the name of several legendary figures, adding to the name's allure and mystique.

The name Connla carries a sense of strength, determination, and purity. It is a name that exudes power and resilience, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a strong and positive meaning. With its roots in Irish culture and folklore, Connla is a name that connects the bearer to the rich heritage of the Emerald Isle. Whether you have Irish ancestry or simply appreciate the beauty of Irish names, Connla is a wonderful choice with a profound meaning.
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