Meaning and origin of the name Cándido

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Cándido is used in

Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Cándido has name day

Cándido is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Cándido's name day is Mars 11.


Cândido is a masculine name of Latin origin. It is derived from the Latin word "candidus," which means "white" or "pure." In ancient Rome, the name was used to describe someone who was fair-skinned or pure in heart.

In modern times, Cândido is a popular name in countries like Brazil and Portugal. It carries a sense of innocence and honesty, often associated with someone who is sincere and straightforward in their actions.

The name Cândido has a timeless quality to it, making it a classic choice for parents looking for a name that exudes purity and simplicity. Its elegant sound and rich history give it a sense of sophistication and charm.

If you are considering the name Cândido for your child, you can be sure that you are choosing a name with a deep-rooted meaning and a touch of elegance that will stand the test of time.
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