Meaning and origin of the name Céleste

Gender: Female
Also available in French,

Céleste is used in

Australia Canada United States France

Countries where Céleste has name day

Céleste is present in the name day calendar in France and Céleste's name day is October 14.


Céleste is a French feminine name of Latin origin. The name is derived from the Latin word "caelestis," meaning "heavenly" or "celestial." It has connotations of something divine, ethereal, or of the heavens.

In French-speaking countries, Céleste is a beautiful and elegant name that evokes a sense of grace and purity. It has a celestial quality that can symbolize hope, spirituality, or a connection to the divine.

The name Céleste is not only unique and sophisticated but also carries a sense of mystery and allure. It is a name that can inspire admiration and fascination, making it a lovely choice for parents seeking a name with a celestial touch.
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