Usage, description and more for César

Gender: Male     Origin: Spanish
Also available in French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese,

César is used in

CACanada PHPhilippines USUnited States ARArgentina CLChile ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru FRFrance BEBelgium BRBrazil PTPortugal

Countries where César has name day

César has a name day in ESSpain and César's next name day is Mars 15.
César has a name day in FRFrance and César's next name day is April 15.


César is a masculine given name of Latin origin. It is derived from the Roman family name "Caesar," which is believed to have been originated from the Latin word "caesaries," meaning "long-haired" or "hairy." The name gained prominence due to Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and statesman. Caesar also became a title used by Roman emperors, signifying supreme power and authority.

In modern times, César continues to be a popular given name in various Spanish-speaking countries and regions influenced by Latin culture. It conveys a sense of strength, leadership, and historical significance. The name has a timeless quality that resonates with individuals seeking a name with a rich legacy and noble connotations.