Meaning and origin of the name César

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

César is used in

Canada Philippines United States Spain Mexico France Brazil Portugal

Countries where César has name day

César is present in the name day calendar in Spain and César's name day is Mars 15.
César is present in the name day calendar in France and César's name day is April 15.


César is a name of Latin origin, derived from the Roman cognomen Caesar, meaning "hairy" or "long-haired". It is most famously associated with Julius Caesar, the renowned Roman general, statesman, and dictator. The name has a strong historical significance and is often linked to power, leadership, and ambition.

In addition to its historical roots, César has been popularized in various cultures around the world. It is a name that exudes strength and authority, making it a common choice for parents seeking a name with a noble and dignified aura.

The name César carries a sense of grandeur and distinction, embodying the qualities of a natural-born leader. Its timeless appeal and rich heritage make it a classic choice for those looking for a name with a touch of regal elegance.
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