Meaning and origin of the name Dagne

Gender: Female

Dagne is used in


Countries where Dagne has name day

Dagne is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Dagne's name day is April 1.


Dagne is a unique and beautiful name of Lithuanian origin. In Lithuanian, Dagne means "new day" or "to be like a new day." This name carries a sense of freshness, renewal, and optimism.

In Lithuanian culture, names hold special significance and are often chosen for their meanings and symbolism. Dagne is a name that reflects a sense of hope and a bright future.

The name Dagne is not commonly used in other cultures, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name with a deep-rooted meaning.

If you are considering the name Dagne for your child, you are embracing a name that symbolizes new beginnings and a positive outlook on life.
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