Meaning and origin of the name Damyan‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Damyan‎ is used in


Countries where Damyan‎ has name day

Damyan‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Damyan‎'s name day is July 1.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Damyan

The name Damyan has its origins in Bulgaria and is derived from the Greek name "Damianos." The name is often associated with the Greek word "damao," meaning "to tame" or "to subdue." This name is popular in various Slavic countries and is a unique choice for a boy.

Characteristics of Individuals Named Damyan

Individuals named Damyan are often described as strong-willed, determined, and independent. They possess a natural charm and charisma that draw others to them. Damyan is a name that exudes confidence and leadership qualities.

Celebrities and Notable Figures

While there may not be many well-known public figures with the name Damyan, those who bear this name often leave a lasting impression with their unique personalities and abilities. Whether in the arts, sciences, or other fields, individuals named Damyan are known for their passion and drive to succeed.
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