Meaning and origin of the name Daumante

Daumante is used in


Countries where Daumante has name day

Daumante is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Daumante's name day is September 8.


Origin: Lithuanian

Meaning: Daumante is a Lithuanian name that is derived from the word "daug" meaning "abundant" or "plenty". It is a feminine name that conveys the idea of abundance and prosperity.

In Lithuanian culture, names often carry significant meanings and are chosen carefully to reflect positive attributes or aspirations for the individual. Daumante is a unique and beautiful name that symbolizes wealth, abundance, and blessings. It is a name that can inspire a sense of richness and fulfillment in life.

If you know someone named Daumante, you can appreciate the meaningful origins and the positive vibes associated with this lovely Lithuanian name.
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