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Bedeutung und herkunft des Namens Doris

Geschlecht: Weiblich    Herkunft: Greece    Mythologie: Greek

Name wird in der (Deutsch) verwendet

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Namenstag Doris

Doris hat in (Austria) einen Namenstag.
Doris hat in (Germany) einen Namenstag.


Doris ist ein schöner weiblicher Vorname, der aus dem Griechischen stammt. Er leitet sich von dem Wort "Dōron" ab, was "Geschenk" oder "Geschenk Gottes" bedeutet. Der Name Doris hat daher eine positive Bedeutung und wird oft als Zeichen der Wertschätzung oder als Geschenk betrachtet. In der griechischen Mythologie war Doris auch der Name einer Meeresnymphe, die als Mutter zahlreicher Meeresgottheiten galt. Der Name Doris ist zeitlos und beliebt und wird in vielen verschiedenen Kulturen und Sprachen verwendet. Mit seiner harmonischen Klangstruktur und seiner tiefen Bedeutung ist Doris ein Name, der Stärke und Güte ausstrahlt.

Doris Greek Mythologie

Doris in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Doris was a sea nymph and the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She was one of the 3,000 Oceanids, the nymphs of the ocean. Doris was known for her beauty and grace, often depicted as a gentle and benevolent spirit of the sea.

The Family of Doris

Doris married the sea god Nereus and together they had fifty daughters known as the Nereids. These nymphs were often depicted as beautiful young women who accompanied Poseidon, the god of the sea.

The Role of Doris

As a sea nymph, Doris was believed to inhabit the Mediterranean Sea and was associated with calm seas and safe voyages. Sailors would often pray to her for protection during their journeys across the waters.

Depictions in Art

In ancient Greek art, Doris was often portrayed as a serene and elegant figure, with flowing robes and sea-themed accessories. She was usually depicted surrounded by other sea nymphs, symbolizing the harmony and beauty of the ocean.

Legacy of Doris

Doris symbolizes the peaceful and nurturing aspects of the sea in Greek mythology. Her presence brought comfort and protection to sailors, embodying the calming influence of the ocean.

Doris remains a beloved figure in Greek mythology, representing the beauty and tranquility of the sea and its importance in the lives of ancient Greeks.
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