Meaning and origin of the name Demétrio

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Demétrio is used in

Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Demétrio has name day

Demétrio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Demétrio's name day is April 9.
Demétrio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Demétrio's name day is November 21.
Demétrio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Demétrio's name day is December 22.
Demétrio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Demétrio's name day is April 9.


Origin: The name Demétrio has Greek origins.

Meaning: Demétrio is a masculine name derived from the Greek goddess Demeter, who was the goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest. The name is associated with strength, abundance, and growth.

In Greek mythology, Demeter was the mother of Persephone, and the name Demétrio carries connotations of nurturing and protection. It is a name that symbolizes the cycles of life and the importance of nature.

If you choose the name Demétrio for your child, you are bestowing upon them a name rich in history and meaning, reflecting qualities of resilience and prosperity.
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