Meaning and origin of the name Desidério

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Desidério is used in

Colombia Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Desidério has name day

Desidério is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Desidério's name day is May 23.
Desidério is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Desidério's name day is May 23.


Origin: Desidério is a masculine given name of Portuguese origin.

Meaning: The name Desidério is derived from the Latin name Desiderius, which means "longed-for" or "desired". It carries the connotation of being wished for or greatly wanted.

Desidério is a name that reflects the desire or longing for something or someone. It is a name that carries a sense of value and importance, symbolizing the idea of being cherished or esteemed.

In various cultures, the name Desidério is often associated with qualities such as aspiration, yearning, and significance. It is a name that can embody the notion of being sought after or prized.

Overall, Desidério is a name with a rich history and a deep meaning, representing the idea of being cherished and longed for.
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