Meaning and origin of the name Dionisis

Dionisis is used in


Countries where Dionisis has name day

Dionisis is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Dionisis's name day is January 18.
Dionisis is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Dionisis's name day is April 6.
Dionisis is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Dionisis's name day is October 3.
Dionisis is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Dionisis's name day is December 15.


Origin: Dionisis is a Greek name derived from the name Dionysios, which comes from the Greek god Dionysos, the god of wine and fertility in Greek mythology.


The name Dionisis carries the meaning of "follower of Dionysos" or "devoted to Dionysos". It symbolizes qualities such as celebration, joy, and the enjoyment of life. Those named Dionisis are believed to possess a vibrant and spirited personality, often being seen as charismatic and full of energy.

In Greek culture, Dionysos was highly revered and associated with festivities, theatre, and the arts. Therefore, individuals with the name Dionisis may embody creativity, passion, and a love for cultural expression.

If you know someone named Dionisis, you can appreciate their zest for life and their ability to bring excitement and fun to any situation.
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