Meaning and origin of the name Dobrin‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Dobrin‎ is used in


Countries where Dobrin‎ has name day

Dobrin‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Dobrin‎'s name day is July 27.


The name Dobrin is of Slavic origin.

Dobrin is a name that means "good" or "kind" in Slavic languages. It carries the connotation of being friendly and benevolent.

Individuals with the name Dobrin are often known for their warm and compassionate nature. They are typically caring and considerate towards others, making them great friends and companions.

While not as common as some other names, Dobrin holds a special charm and uniqueness that sets it apart. It is a name that stands out for its positive and uplifting meaning.

Famous Namesakes:
There are several notable individuals with the name Dobrin, each contributing to their respective fields with their talent and kindness.

In conclusion, the name Dobrin represents goodness and kindness, making it a wonderful choice for those who embody these qualities.
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