Usage, description and more for Dominika
Gender: Female
Also available in
Norwegian Bokmål,
Dominika is used in
Countries where Dominika has name day
Dominika has a name day in
Czechia and Dominika's next name day is August 4.
Dominika has a name day in
Germany and Dominika's next name day is August 5.
Dominika has a name day in
Hungary and Dominika's next name day is August 4.
Dominika has a name day in
Poland and Dominika's next name day is June 6.
Dominika has a name day in
Slovakia and Dominika's next name day is August 4.
Dominika is a feminine given name of Latin origin. It is the female form of the name Dominic, which comes from the Latin name Dominicus, meaning "belonging to the Lord" or "of the Lord". The name is commonly used in various European countries, including Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.
In some cultures, Dominika is associated with qualities such as strength, leadership, and faith. The name may also carry connotations of devotion and spirituality due to its religious roots. It is a popular name among Christian families, especially those with a connection to the Dominican order.
Nameday celebrations for Dominika may vary depending on the country and tradition. In Poland, for example, the nameday for Dominika is celebrated on August 8th in honor of Saint Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order. In Slovakia, the nameday is typically observed on August 4th.
Overall, Dominika is a name with a rich history and deep meaning, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a name that reflects values of faith, devotion, and divine connection.