Meaning and origin of the name Donát

Also available in Hungarian,

Donát is used in

Croatia Hungary Romania

Countries where Donát has name day

Donát is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Donát's name day is Februari 27.
Donát is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Donát's name day is August 7.
Donát is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Donát's name day is Februari 17.
Donát is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Donát's name day is August 21.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Donát

The name Donát is of Latin origin, derived from the name "Donatus," which means "given" or "gifted." It has roots in ancient Roman culture and was commonly used among early Christians as a reference to being a gift from God. The name has a strong historical significance and has been borne by various saints and religious figures throughout the centuries.


The nameday for Donát is not widely celebrated, but in some cultures with a Catholic influence, it may be observed on the feast day of a saint named Donatus. This could vary depending on the specific calendar or regional customs.

In modern times, the name Donát is unique and carries a sense of tradition and heritage. It is a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name with a classical charm and a meaningful message of being a precious gift.

Overall, Donát is a name that exudes a sense of grace and significance, making it a timeless option for those who appreciate its historical roots and symbolic value.
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