Meaning and origin of the name Dorotė́ja

Gender: Female
Also available in Latvian,

Dorotė́ja is used in

Croatia Lithuania Latvia

Countries where Dorotė́ja has name day

Dorotė́ja is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Dorotė́ja's name day is Februari 6.


Doroteja is a charming name of Greek origin that carries a beautiful meaning. The name is derived from the Greek name "Dorothea," which is composed of the elements "doron," meaning "gift," and "theos," meaning "God." Therefore, Doroteja translates to "gift of God" or "God's gift." This name reflects the idea of someone being a precious and divine gift to the world.

In addition to its lovely meaning, Doroteja has a melodic sound that adds to its appeal. It is a name that exudes grace and elegance, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a timeless and meaningful name for their child. Those named Doroteja are often seen as kind-hearted individuals with a strong sense of purpose and a nurturing nature.

If you are considering the name Doroteja for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich history and a profound significance. Whether you are drawn to its Greek roots, its beautiful meaning, or its elegant sound, Doroteja is a name that is sure to make a lasting impression.
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