Meaning and origin of the name Douaa

Gender: Female

Douaa is used in



Douaa is a beautiful name of Arabic origin that is used predominantly in Islamic cultures. In Arabic, Douaa (دعاء) means "supplication" or "prayer." It is a name that conveys a sense of devotion and spirituality.


The name Douaa reflects the importance of prayer and seeking blessings in Islamic tradition. It signifies a deep connection with faith and a belief in the power of supplication to bring about positive outcomes.


While the name Douaa may not be as common in some regions, it holds significant cultural and religious significance for those who bear it. It is a name that carries a sense of reverence and devotion to one's faith.

If you are considering the name Douaa for your child, it represents a beautiful choice that emphasizes the importance of prayer and spiritual connection in a person's life.
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