Usage, description and more for Drago

Gender: Male     Origin: IT Italy
Also available in Bulgarian, German,

Drago is used in

BGBulgaria DEGermany HRCroatia SISlovenia rsSerbia

Countries where Drago has name day

Drago has a name day in HRCroatia and Drago's next name day is June 3.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Drago

The name Drago has Slavic origins and is predominantly found in countries like Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. It is a masculine name that exudes strength and power.


In Slavic languages, Drago is derived from the word "drag," which translates to "dear" or "beloved." As such, the name carries connotations of affection and endearment.

Character Traits:

Individuals named Drago are often seen as charismatic and confident. They possess a magnetic personality that draws others towards them. Drago is also associated with leadership qualities and a strong sense of determination.

Famous Namesakes:

Notable figures with the name Drago include Drago Renteria, a renowned artist from Croatia known for his unique style and innovative techniques.

Overall Impression:

The name Drago carries a sense of nobility and charm, making it a fitting choice for individuals who exude confidence and warmth. Its Slavic roots add an air of mystique and cultural richness to the name.