Meaning and origin of the name Drago‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Drago‎ is used in

Bulgaria Croatia Serbia

Countries where Drago‎ has name day

Drago‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Drago‎'s name day is June 3.
Drago‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Drago‎'s name day is November 4.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Drago

The name Drago is of Slavic origin and is commonly used in countries such as Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia. It is a masculine name with a strong and powerful connotation.

Meaning of the Name:

The name Drago is derived from the Slavic word "draga," which means "precious" or "beloved." It carries a sense of endearment and value, reflecting the importance of the person bearing the name.

Personality Traits:

Individuals named Drago are often seen as confident, determined, and assertive. They possess leadership qualities and are known for their courage and resilience.

Famous Bearers:

Notable individuals with the name Drago include Drago Kovacevic, a Croatian composer, and Drago Jancar, a Slovenian writer. These individuals have made significant contributions in their respective fields.

Celebrity Connection:

The name Drago gained further popularity through fictional characters such as Ivan Drago from the movie "Rocky IV." This character, portrayed by Dolph Lundgren, exemplifies strength and determination.

In conclusion, the name Drago is a meaningful and powerful name with a rich cultural heritage. Its origins and connotations make it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that symbolizes love, strength, and valor.
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