Meaning and origin of the name Dóra

Gender: Female
Also available in German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Dóra is used in

Denmark Germany United Kingdom France Hungary Italy Latvia Norway Netherlands Serbia

Countries where Dóra has name day

Dóra is present in the name day calendar in France and Dóra's name day is November 8.
Dóra is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Dóra's name day is Februari 6.
Dóra is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Dóra's name day is Februari 6.


Dóra is a Hungarian name of Greek origin. It is the Hungarian variation of the name Dorothea. The name Dóra comes from the Greek word "dōron," which means "gift." Dóra is a popular name in Hungary and other countries with Hungarian influence. It is a name that conveys the idea of being a precious gift.

In Hungarian culture, individuals named Dóra are often described as kind, caring, and thoughtful. They are known for their generosity and ability to bring joy to those around them. People named Dóra are believed to have a strong sense of empathy and a willingness to help others in need.

The name Dóra carries a sense of grace and elegance, reflecting the qualities of the Greek name Dorothea. It is a name that symbolizes the idea of giving and receiving gifts, both tangible and intangible. Dóra is a name that resonates with warmth and positivity, making it a beloved choice for many families.
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