Meaning and origin of the name Egle

Gender: Female

Egle is used in

Estonia Lithuania

Countries where Egle has name day

Egle is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Egle's name day is Mars 3.
Egle is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Egle's name day is April 4.


Originating from Lithuania, the name Egle is a popular female name with a rich history and cultural significance. In Lithuanian mythology, Egle is the name of a legendary queen who transforms into a spruce tree after defying the gods. The name is deeply rooted in nature and folklore, symbolizing strength, resilience, and transformation.

Meaning of the Name Egle

The name Egle is said to have various meanings, including "fir tree" or "spruce tree" in Lithuanian. As a symbol of endurance and renewal, the name carries a sense of connection to the natural world and the cycles of life. It represents a strong and independent character who can adapt to change and overcome challenges with grace.

Nameday and Celebrations

In Lithuania and other Baltic countries, the name Egle may have a designated nameday, which is a special day to celebrate individuals with that name. Nameday celebrations often include gatherings with family and friends, exchanging gifts, and well-wishes for the person named Egle. It is a time to honor the unique qualities and virtues associated with the name.

Overall, the name Egle embodies a sense of tradition, folklore, and natural beauty, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with depth and cultural significance.
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