Meaning and origin of the name Egyed

Egyed is used in


Countries where Egyed has name day

Egyed is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Egyed's name day is September 1.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Egyed

The name Egyed is of Hungarian origin. It is a unique and rare name with a special significance.

Meaning of the Name

The name Egyed is derived from the Hungarian word "egyedül," which means "alone" or "unique." It signifies someone who is one of a kind, singular, or independent.

Popularity and Usage

The name Egyed is not commonly used and is considered quite rare. It may be a preferred choice for parents looking for a distinctive and meaningful name for their child.


While there is no specific nameday associated with the name Egyed, individuals bearing this name can choose a day that holds personal significance to celebrate.

Celebrity Influence

As a unique and uncommon name, Egyed may not be linked to any well-known celebrities or public figures. However, its distinctiveness adds to its charm and appeal.

In conclusion, the name Egyed carries a powerful message of individuality and uniqueness. Its Hungarian origin and meaningful interpretation make it a compelling choice for those seeking a name with depth and character.
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