Meaning and origin of the name Egídio

Gender: Male

Egídio is used in

Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Egídio has name day

Egídio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Egídio's name day is September 1.
Egídio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Egídio's name day is November 1.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Egídio

The name Egídio has Latin origins and is derived from the Latin name Aegidius. It is a masculine name that means "shield bearer" or "protector." The name is associated with the Christian saint Giles, who was known for his kindness and compassion towards the poor and sick.

Popularity and Variations

Egídio is a less common name in English-speaking countries but is more popular in countries with strong ties to Latin culture, such as Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Variations of the name include Giles, Gill, and Egidio.

Famous Bearers

Several notable individuals have borne the name Egídio throughout history. One of the most famous is Saint Giles, the patron saint of outcasts and the disabled. Another notable bearer is Egídio Alves, a Brazilian football player known for his skill and sportsmanship.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Egídio are often seen as protective, caring, and compassionate. They have a strong sense of justice and are willing to stand up for those in need. Egídio is a name that is associated with strength, courage, and integrity.

In conclusion, the name Egídio carries with it a rich history and a powerful meaning. It is a name that symbolizes protection, compassion, and bravery, making it a fitting choice for parents looking for a strong and meaningful name for their child.
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