Usage, description and more for Eike
Gender: Male
Origin: German
Also available in
Eike is used in
Countries where Eike has name day
Eike has a name day in
Austria and Eike's next name day is December 20.
Eike has a name day in
Estonia and Eike's next name day is April 17.
Origin: German
Meaning: Eike is a German name that is derived from the Old High German word "eih" which means "oak tree". The name Eike is often associated with strength, endurance, and resilience, characteristics that are commonly attributed to the mighty oak tree.
In Germanic cultures, the oak tree was considered sacred and was a symbol of power and protection. As a result, the name Eike carries connotations of stability, reliability, and steadfastness.
People named Eike are often seen as dependable and trustworthy individuals who can weather any storm. With its strong roots and sturdy branches, the name Eike serves as a reminder of the importance of standing tall in the face of adversity.
If you know someone named Eike, you are likely acquainted with a person who embodies the resilience and fortitude of the noble oak tree.