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Simasía kai proélefsi tou onómatos Skeiron

    Proélefsi: Greece    Mythología: Greek

Όνομα: Skeiron


Το όνομα Skeiron προέρχεται από την ελληνική μυθολογία. Ο Σκείρων ήταν ένας δαίμονας που σύμφωνα με το μύθο, ζούσε στην Ελλάδα.


Η λέξη "Σκείρων" πιθανότατα προέρχεται από την ελληνική λέξη "σκείρω" που σημαίνει "να κλέβω" ή "να αρπάζω". Έτσι, το όνομα Skeiron μπορεί να συμβολίζει δύναμη, αποφασιστικότητα και αντίσταση.

Συνολικά, το Skeiron είναι ένα μοναδικό όνομα με έντονες ρίζες στην αρχαία ελληνική μυθολογία.

Skeiron Greek Mythología


In Greek mythology, Skeiron was a notorious robber who inhabited the cliffs of Megara. He was known for his cruel and treacherous ways, preying on travelers passing through his territory.

The Skeironian Rocks

Skeiron would lure unsuspecting victims to the edge of the cliffs, offering to wash their feet as a sign of hospitality. However, instead of helping them, he would kick them off the cliffs into the sea below where they would be devoured by a giant sea turtle.

Encounter with Theseus

One of Skeiron's victims was the hero Theseus, who managed to outsmart the robber and push him off the cliff to his own demise. Theseus then continued on his journey, ridding the land of the notorious bandit.


The cliffs where Skeiron once terrorized travelers became known as the Skeironian Rocks, serving as a cautionary tale of the dangers that lurk in the world. The defeat of Skeiron by Theseus became a symbol of justice prevailing over wickedness in Greek mythology.
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