Meaning and origin of the name Elmar

Gender: Male

Elmar is used in

Austria Germany Estonia

Countries where Elmar has name day

Elmar is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Elmar's name day is Mars 22.
Elmar is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Elmar's name day is Mars 22.
Elmar is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Elmar's name day is August 28.
Elmar is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Elmar's name day is Mars 4.


Origin: Elmar is a name of Germanic origin, derived from the elements "el," meaning "noble," and "mær," meaning "fame" or "renowned."


Elmar carries the beautiful meaning of "noble and famous" or "renowned for nobility." It reflects qualities of honor, dignity, and distinction.

In Germanic cultures, the name Elmar is often associated with strength, integrity, and leadership. It symbolizes a person of high moral character and great influence.

Elmar is a classic and timeless name that exudes elegance and sophistication. It is a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a strong and positive connotation.

In some European countries, Elmar may also have a designated nameday, depending on local traditions and customs.

If you choose the name Elmar for your child, you are bestowing upon them a name rich in history and significance, representing a legacy of honor and prominence.
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