Meaning and origin of the name Emilie

Gender: Female
Also available in Czech, Estonian, French, Norwegian Bokmål,

Emilie is used in

Czechia Denmark Switzerland Estonia France Norway

Countries where Emilie has name day

Emilie is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Emilie's name day is November 24.
Emilie is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Emilie's name day is May 19.
Emilie is present in the name day calendar in France and Emilie's name day is September 19.
Emilie is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Emilie's name day is January 23.


Origin: The name Emílie is of Czech origin.


The name Emílie is a variant of the name Emily, which has Latin roots and means "rival" or "imitating". It is derived from the Roman family name Aemilius.

Nameday: There are various days throughout the year when the name Emílie is celebrated as a nameday, depending on the country or region.

In Czech culture, Emílie is a popular name for girls and is often associated with traits such as creativity, intelligence, and kindness. It has a classic and timeless appeal that has made it a favored choice for parents looking for a beautiful and meaningful name for their daughter.
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