Meaning and origin of the name Emmie

Gender: Female

Emmie is used in

Australia Canada United States

Origin and Meaning of the Name Emmie

The name Emmie is of German origin and is derived from the name Emma. Emma itself is of Old German origin and means "whole" or "universal". It has been a popular name throughout history and is still widely used today.

Popularity and Usage

Emmie is a charming and timeless name that has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years. It is a versatile name that can be used for both girls and boys, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a gender-neutral name.


While there are no well-known historical figures named Emmie, the name has been used in literature and popular culture. It is often used as a nickname for longer names such as Emily or Emma.


The name Emmie may not have a specific nameday associated with it, but it can be celebrated on the namedays of related names like Emma or Emily. Namedays are a tradition in many cultures where each day of the year is associated with a specific name.

Famous Emmies

While there may not be many famous individuals named Emmie, the name has a certain charm and appeal that makes it a popular choice for parents around the world. Its simplicity and sweet sound make it a delightful name for any child.
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