Meaning and origin of the name Emílio

Gender: Male

Emílio is used in

Switzerland Australia Canada United States Spain Mexico Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Emílio has name day

Emílio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Emílio's name day is May 28.
Emílio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Emílio's name day is September 15.
Emílio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Emílio's name day is May 28.


The name Emílio is of Latin origin and means "rival" or "eager". It is the Italian and Portuguese variant of the name Emilius, derived from the Roman family name Aemilius.

In ancient Rome, the Aemilii were a prominent patrician family known for their military achievements and statesmanship. The name Emílio carries a sense of ambition and competition, often associated with individuals who are determined and driven to succeed.

Those named Emílio are believed to possess qualities such as leadership, courage, and a strong sense of purpose. The name's historical significance and noble connotations give it a timeless appeal.
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