Usage, description and more for Erno
Gender: Male
Also available in
Erno is used in
Countries where Erno has name day
Erno has a name day in
Germany and Erno's next name day is December 13.
Erno has a name day in
Estonia and Erno's next name day is Mars 13 (next year).
Erno has a name day in
Finland and Erno's next name day is Mars 13 (next year).
Erno has a name day in
Hungary and Erno's next name day is January 12 (next year).
Origin and Meaning of the Name Erno
The name Erno is of Hungarian origin and is a variant of the name Arnold. It is derived from the Germanic elements "arn" meaning "eagle" and "wald" meaning "rule". Therefore, the name Erno can be interpreted to mean "ruler of the eagles" or "eagle power".
In Hungarian culture, the name Erno is considered unique and carries a sense of strength and leadership. Individuals named Erno are often seen as confident and capable individuals who possess a strong sense of determination and ambition.
If you know someone named Erno, you can appreciate their resilient and authoritative nature, making them stand out in various aspects of life. The name Erno holds a special significance and reflects the admirable qualities associated with eagles, such as courage and vision.