Meaning and origin of the name Ervín

Gender: Male
Also available in Estonian, Hungarian,

Ervín is used in

Estonia Hungary Slovakia

Countries where Ervín has name day

Ervín is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Ervín's name day is September 13.
Ervín is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Ervín's name day is April 26.
Ervín is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Ervín's name day is April 21.


Origin: The name Ervin is of Hungarian and German origin.


The name Ervin is derived from the Germanic name "Irmin" which means "whole" or "strong". It is also associated with the word "Erfen", meaning "inheritance".


In some cultures, Ervin may be celebrated on specific namedays, although this can vary depending on regional customs.

The name Ervin carries a sense of strength and completeness, reflecting its historical roots and significance.
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