Usage, description and more for Esther

Gender: Female    Origin: Hebrew
Also available in German, Spanish, French, Norwegian Bokmål, Dutch,

Esther is used in

DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya NZNew Zealand SGSingapore USUnited States CLChile FRFrance ILIsrael NONorway NLNetherlands

Countries where Esther has name day

Esther has a name day in ATAustria and Esther's next name day is May 24.
Esther has a name day in DEGermany and Esther's next name day is May 24.
Esther has a name day in FRFrance and Esther's next name day is July 1.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Esther

The name Esther is of Persian origin and is derived from the Persian word "star." It is a name with biblical significance, as Esther is a prominent figure in the Hebrew Bible. The name is often associated with qualities such as beauty, strength, and wisdom.

Popularity and Usage

Esther has been a popular name for girls throughout history and continues to be well-loved today. It has a timeless appeal and is chosen by parents looking for a name that is both elegant and meaningful.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable figures bear the name Esther, including Queen Esther from the Bible, actress Esther Williams, and author Esther Forbes. These individuals have helped to bring prominence to the name and showcase its strength and beauty.

Celebrity Influence

In modern times, the name Esther has also been chosen by celebrities for their children, further increasing its popularity. Its classic charm and rich history make it a popular choice for those seeking a name with depth and character.

In conclusion, the name Esther holds a special place in history and continues to be a beloved choice for parents around the world. Its origin and meaning add to its allure, making it a name that is both timeless and full of significance.