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Nime Nanna tähendus ja päritolu

Sugu: Naine    Päritolu: Danish    Mütoloogia: Norse

Nimepäev Nanna

Nanna nimepäev täna On Eestis ja Nanna nimepäev On 15. August.
Järgmine Nanna nimepäev On 255 päeva pärast.


Nanna on naisenimi, mis on pärit taani keelest. See nimi tähendab "jumalanna" või "emake" ning on pärit muinasjutulisest tegelasest. Nimi Nanna on väga armas ja pehme kõlaga ning sobib hästi neile, kes hindavad graatsilisust ja naiselikkust.

Nimi Nanna võib sümboliseerida armastust, hoolivust ja õrnust. See on ajatu nimi, mis on populaarne erinevates kultuurides üle maailma. Kui soovid anda oma lapsele nime, mis kannab endas jumalikku energiat ja naiselikku graatsiat, siis võib nimi Nanna olla suurepärane valik.

Nanna Norse Mütoloogia

Nanna in Norse Mythology

Nanna is a figure in Norse mythology, known for her role as the wife of Baldr, the god of light and purity. She is often depicted as a symbol of love, devotion, and loyalty.

Marriage to Baldr

According to the myth, Nanna and Baldr shared a deep and loving relationship. Nanna's unwavering devotion to Baldr is a central theme in the tragic tale of his death.

Death of Baldr

After Baldr's death, Nanna was overcome with grief and died of a broken heart. The loss of Baldr and Nanna's subsequent death were pivotal events in Norse mythology, leading to Ragnarok, the end of the world.


Nanna is often seen as a representation of the enduring power of love and the sacrifices made for those we hold dear. Her tragic story serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the depths of loyalty and devotion.


Despite her untimely demise, Nanna's memory lives on in Norse mythology as a symbol of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between partners. Her story continues to resonate with those who appreciate the complexities of human emotion and the strength found in relationships.

In Norse mythology, Nanna remains a poignant figure, embodying the eternal themes of love, loss, and the enduring legacy of devotion.
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