Meaning and origin of the name Eugenie

Also available in German, French,

Eugenie is used in

Germany France

Countries where Eugenie has name day

Eugenie is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Eugenie's name day is September 26.
Eugenie is present in the name day calendar in France and Eugenie's name day is Februari 7.


Eugenie is a female given name of Greek origin, derived from the Greek name "Eugenia." The name is composed of the elements "eu," meaning 'good, well,' and "genos," meaning 'born, origin.' Therefore, Eugenie carries the beautiful meaning of 'well-born' or 'noble.'

In Greek mythology, Eugenie is associated with qualities of nobility, grace, and strength. The name has a timeless and elegant appeal, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a sophisticated and classic name for their daughter.

Eugenie has been used across various cultures and regions, often pronounced differently but retaining its graceful essence. It has been favored by royalty and noble families throughout history, adding a touch of regal charm to the name.

Individuals named Eugenie are often described as poised, intelligent, and compassionate. They are known for their leadership qualities and ability to inspire others. The name Eugenie exudes a sense of refinement and refinement, reflecting the character traits associated with the name.

Whether you are drawn to its Greek origins, its elegant sound, or its noble connotations, Eugenie is a name that carries a sense of grace and distinction, making it a timeless choice for a girl's name.
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