Meaning and origin of the name Eugénio

Gender: Male

Eugénio is used in

Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Eugénio has name day

Eugénio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Eugénio's name day is June 2.
Eugénio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Eugénio's name day is December 30.


Origin: The name Eugênio has Latin origins, derived from the Greek name "Eugenios," meaning "well-born" or "noble."


In Latin, Eugênio signifies someone who is of noble and distinguished descent. The name is often associated with qualities of honor, respect, and grace.

Eugênio is a name that carries a sense of sophistication and refinement, reflecting the high esteem in which individuals bearing this name are held. It conveys a sense of dignity and class, embodying the essence of aristocracy and elegance.

With its historical roots and noble connotations, Eugênio is a name that exudes a sense of prestige and distinction. It is a timeless and classic name that resonates with a sense of honor and integrity.

Overall, Eugênio is a name that symbolizes a rich heritage and a strong sense of character. It is a name that commands respect and admiration, embodying the virtues of nobility and grace.
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