Meaning and origin of the name Eyüp

Gender: Male

Eyüp is used in



Eyüp is a Turkish name that is commonly used for males. The name has its origins in Arabic and it is derived from the name of a prominent figure in Islamic history, Eyüp Sultan. Eyüp Sultan was a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad, making the name highly revered in Muslim communities.

The name Eyüp holds significant meaning as it symbolizes loyalty, friendship, and devotion. It is often chosen for boys with the hope that they embody the qualities of honor and faithfulness that Eyüp Sultan exemplified. In Turkish culture, the name is considered to bring blessings and good fortune to those who bear it.

The popularity of the name Eyüp reflects the deep-rooted respect for tradition and spirituality in Turkish society. It is a timeless name that carries a sense of history and reverence, making it a cherished choice for many families seeking a name with profound cultural significance.
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