Usage, description and more for Farhana

Gender: Female    Origin: BD Bangladesh
Also available in Arabic, Hindi,

Farhana is used in

EGEgypt INIndia USUnited States

Origin and Meaning of the Name Farhana

The name Farhana is of Arabic origin. It is commonly used for females. The name is derived from the Arabic word "farhana" which means "joy" or "happiness".

Popularity and Usage

Farhana is a name that carries a positive and cheerful connotation. It is not only popular among Arabic-speaking communities but also appreciated in various cultures for its beautiful meaning.

Celebrities and Famous Namesakes

While there may not be widely recognized celebrities with the name Farhana, individuals bearing this name often exude a sense of joy and optimism that resonates with those around them.

Personality Traits

People named Farhana are often described as cheerful, optimistic, and full of life. They have a natural ability to spread joy and bring happiness to those in their presence.

Overall Impression

The name Farhana is a beautiful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects positivity and happiness. Its Arabic origin adds a touch of cultural richness, making it a meaningful and delightful name for a baby girl.