Meaning and origin of the name Fokion

Fokion is used in


Countries where Fokion has name day

Fokion is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Fokion's name day is April 6.


Fokion is a Greek name of ancient origin that carries a strong and noble meaning. The name is derived from the Greek word "phokion," which means "bright" or "shining." In Greek history, Fokion was the name of a prominent Athenian statesman and general known for his integrity and wisdom.

In Greek culture, the name Fokion is often associated with qualities such as intelligence, leadership, and honesty. Those named Fokion are believed to possess a strong sense of justice and a deep understanding of moral principles.

Individuals with the name Fokion are thought to be natural-born leaders who inspire others with their vision and charisma. They are often respected for their rational thinking and ability to make wise decisions in challenging situations.

Overall, the name Fokion represents a legacy of honor and virtue in Greek tradition, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with historical significance and positive connotations.
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