Meaning and origin of the name Frédéric

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

Frédéric is used in

Switzerland United Kingdom France

Countries where Frédéric has name day

Frédéric is present in the name day calendar in France and Frédéric's name day is July 18.


The name Frédéric is of French origin, derived from the Germanic name Frithuric, composed of the elements "fridu" meaning "peace" and "ric" meaning "ruler".

The name Frédéric carries the beautiful meaning of "peaceful ruler" or "peaceful king". It conveys a sense of authority and harmony, reflecting qualities of a strong and peaceful leader.

Frédéric is a classic and timeless name that has been popular in French-speaking countries and beyond. It exudes elegance and sophistication, making it a favored choice for parents seeking a distinguished name for their child.

Notable individuals bearing the name Frédéric include renowned composer Frédéric Chopin, whose musical genius has left a lasting impact on the world of classical music. Their talents and contributions have helped elevate the name Frédéric to a symbol of creativity and excellence.

Variants of the name Frédéric include Frederic, Frederick, and Friedrich, each maintaining the essence of "peaceful ruler" in different linguistic contexts. These variations offer a diverse range of options for those drawn to the name's noble significance.

In conclusion, the name Frédéric is a name rich in history and meaning, embodying qualities of peace, leadership, and grace. Whether inspired by its cultural heritage or by admiration for notable figures, Frédéric remains a name of distinction and character.
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