Meaning and origin of the name Fábio

Gender: Male

Fábio is used in

Switzerland Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Fábio has name day

Fábio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Fábio's name day is May 11.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Fábio

The name Fábio is of Latin origin and is derived from the Roman family name "Fabius." The name is associated with the Latin word "faber," which means "blacksmith" or "artisan." In ancient Rome, the Fabii were a prominent gens (clan) known for their military and political achievements.

Characteristics of Fábio

Individuals named Fábio are often described as charismatic, creative, and sociable. They tend to have a strong sense of determination and are known for their ability to excel in various endeavors. Fábio is a name associated with leadership qualities and a knack for problem-solving.

Famous People Named Fábio

Notable individuals named Fábio include Brazilian footballer Fábio Cannavaro, who is regarded as one of the greatest defenders in the history of the sport. Another famous Fábio is Portuguese musician Fábio Coentrão, known for his talent in the music industry.

Variants of the Name Fábio

Variants of the name Fábio include Fabius, Fabio, and Fabian. These variations are used in different cultures and regions but share the same Latin root and similar meanings.

In conclusion, the name Fábio carries a rich history and conveys characteristics of strength, creativity, and leadership. It remains a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a classic and timeless appeal.
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