Meaning and origin of the name Gabriẽlius

Gender: Male
Also available in Lithuanian,

Gabriẽlius is used in


Countries where Gabriẽlius has name day

Gabriẽlius is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Gabriẽlius's name day is Februari 10.
Gabriẽlius is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Gabriẽlius's name day is Februari 27.
Gabriẽlius is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Gabriẽlius's name day is Mars 24.
Gabriẽlius is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Gabriẽlius's name day is September 29.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Gabrielius

The name Gabrielius has its origins in Lithuania. It is a variation of the name Gabriel, which comes from the Hebrew name "Gabri'el" meaning "God is my strength" or "hero of God". In various religious traditions, Gabriel is known as an archangel who serves as a messenger of God.

In Lithuanian culture, the name Gabrielius is a popular choice for boys and carries a strong and noble connotation. It is a name that signifies strength, courage, and divine support. Those named Gabrielius are often seen as determined individuals with a strong sense of purpose and a deep connection to their spirituality.

Overall, the name Gabrielius is a powerful and meaningful choice that carries a sense of divine protection and guidance, making it a popular and timeless name for boys in Lithuania and beyond.
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