Meaning and origin of the name Gael

Gender: Male
Also available in French,

Gael is used in

Switzerland Australia Canada United States Mexico France

Countries where Gael has name day

Gael is present in the name day calendar in France and Gael's name day is December 17.


Gael is a unisex name of Gaelic origin. It is derived from the word "Gaedheal" which means "highlander" or "Gaelic speaker". The name is commonly used in Scotland and Ireland, reflecting the Celtic heritage of these regions.

Meaning of the Name

The name Gael is associated with qualities such as strength, bravery, and resilience. It carries a sense of pride in one's heritage and a connection to the land and traditions of the Gaelic people.


In recent years, the name Gael has gained popularity as a modern and distinctive choice for parents seeking a name with a strong cultural significance. Its gender-neutral nature adds to its appeal, making it a versatile option for both boys and girls.

Famous Bearers

Several notable figures bear the name Gael, including actors, athletes, and musicians. The name's historical roots and contemporary flair make it a timeless choice that resonates with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Overall, the name Gael captures the spirit of the Gaelic people and embodies values of tradition, courage, and identity. Its unique sound and meaningful origin make it a meaningful and memorable choice for those seeking a name with depth and character.
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