Meaning and origin of the name Gašpar

Gender: Male
Also available in Greek, Hungarian,

Gašpar is used in

Greece Spain Croatia Hungary Brazil Portugal Slovakia

Countries where Gašpar has name day

Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Gašpar's name day is December 22.
Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Gašpar's name day is January 6.
Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Gašpar's name day is January 6.
Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Gašpar's name day is June 12.
Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Gašpar's name day is August 27.
Gašpar is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Gašpar's name day is January 29.


Gašpar is a name of Slavic origin, derived from the Persian name "Gaspar" which means "treasurer" or "master of the treasure." The name has been popular in various Slavic countries and is commonly associated with the biblical Magi, one of the three wise men who visited the infant Jesus. In some cultures, Gašpar is also known as one of the names attributed to the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus. The name carries connotations of wisdom, wealth, and generosity.

In terms of personality, individuals named Gašpar are often seen as intelligent, resourceful, and kind-hearted. They are known for their ability to bring valuable insights and solutions to various situations. Gašpar is a name that exudes a sense of leadership and responsibility, as well as a willingness to help others in need. Overall, those bearing the name Gašpar are often admired for their wisdom and generosity, embodying the spirit of the biblical Magi.
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