Meaning and origin of the name Gedas

Gedas is used in


Countries where Gedas has name day

Gedas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Gedas's name day is October 20.


Gedas is a Lithuanian masculine name that has its origins in the Lithuanian language. The name is derived from the Lithuanian word "gedas," which means "clarity" or "brightness." In Lithuanian culture, names often carry significant meanings, reflecting qualities or aspirations that parents may have for their children.

The name Gedas is unique and carries a sense of strength and wisdom. Those named Gedas are often seen as clear-minded individuals with a strong sense of purpose. The name's origin in the Lithuanian language adds to its cultural significance and ties it to the rich history and traditions of Lithuania.

If you know someone named Gedas, you can appreciate the depth of meaning and heritage that their name carries. It serves as a reminder of the importance of clarity and brightness in one's life, guiding them towards a path of wisdom and understanding.
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